Группа армий "СЕВЕР" (NORD) - архивные документы.
Ia, Kriegskgebuch. Continuation of Doc. no, 75128/13. Detailed information on enemy and own combat activities, reports dealing with the operations "Winkelried" and bridgehead Kirischi (Warewkino-Schumilkinno Sector), Wolchov-Front, supply data and the traffic center Stasaja Russa, Sep. 1 - 30, 1942.
Ia, War Diary. Continuation of Doc. no. 75128/14. Deals with operations "Pussta," "Winkelried," "Sumpf," "Wintermarchen," "Waffeleisen" (elimination of Wolchov- Bridgehead). Oct, 1 - 31, 1942.
Ia, War Diary. Continuation of Doc. No. 75128/15. Daily reports giving information on enemy and own activities. Deal with onerations at Strelizy, Dedno, Mga, Swanka, Pustynjay Nadwa, "Lichtschlag" (gaining of Lowat-Sector ), "Wintermarchen" (crossing of Newa-River), "Feuerzauber" (seizure of Pulkowo-Terrain), "Walkure" (seizure of Kolpino and Tschernaja Nasija fortifications). Nov. 1 - 30, 1942.
Ia, War Diary. Continuation of Doc. No. 75128/16, Daily reports on eneri and own activities at Staraja Russa, Gorby, Remshno, Podberesja (Leniningrad region); information on enemy armored and aircraft losses. Dec. 1 - 31, 1942.
Ia, War Diary. Daily reports on enemy and own activities, Deal with operations at Cholm-Area, Tigoda-Bridgehead, Kirischi, Lowoschkino, Gorodok-Marino, Ladoga-Lake, Posselok, operation "Ziethen" (withdrawal of II.A.K. and evacuation of Demjansk- Area), "Liese" Jan. 1 - 31, 1943.
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Textband Zweitschrift vom 1.2.1943 - 28.2.1943.
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Zweitschrift. Daily reports on operations at Kolpino, Penno- Sector, Staraja Russa-Sector, Nowgorod, Gladkoje-Swamp and Barskoje-Lake. March 1 - 31, 1943.
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Textband (Zweitschrift) vom 1.4.1943 - 30,4.1943.
Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Textband (Zweitschrift) vom 1.5.1943 - 31.5.1943.
Ia, Kriegstagebuch (Zeitschrift) uom 1.6.1943 - 30.6.2943.