Страница 1 из 50 Группа Армий "СЕВЕР"(Heeresgruppe Nord) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.
Heeresgruppe Nord T311 Roll 70
Ia, Erfahrungsberichte. Documects giving detailed information on experiences during the Russian Campaign regarding units, equipment, and weapons. Sep. 15, 1942 - Jan.31, 1943.
Ia, Erfahrungsberichte. Commentaries on stationary warfare given by the 16th and 18th Armies and their subordinate units (1sh, 21st, 121st Inf .Div. ) during the Russian Campaign. Se. 17, 1942 - May 27, 1943.
Ia, Erfahrungsberichte. Commentaries on stationary warfare given by the 16th and 18th Armies and their subordinate units during the Russian Campaign, April 1943.
Ia, Erfahrungsberichte. Documents giving detailed information on landing at Noworossijsk, antitank defense, new Russian attack methods, new German uniforms, weapons, ammunitions, equipment, and other matters. Feb. 9 - June 26, 1943.
Ia, H.Gr. Nord, Fuhrerbefehle. Hitler orders pertaining to the transition from Military Government in Poland to the Government General, and other matters. Oct. 1939 - Feb. 1943.
la, Kriegs-Gliederungen. Charts giving detailed information on the organization of the Army Group and subordinate units. Jan, 4 - March 10, 1944.
Ia, Kriegs-Gliederungen. Charts giving detailed information on the organization of the Army Group, March 17 - June 6, 1944.
Ia, OB, Gesprache u. Fahrtberichte. Documents giving detailed information on meetings and telephone conversations between Commander in Chief and commanding generals of Army Group North and subordinate armies (16th, 18th, Narwa) ; also reports of inspection trips made by the Comnder in Chief, March 29 - June 5, 1944.
Ia, Zustandsberichte. Efficiency and strength reports of armies under the command of the Group and subordinate divisions, and reports on fighting qualities and evaluation of units. Dec. 24, 1943 - Feb. 22, 1944.